I am not judgemental of others, I feel we all have the right to choose the path that calls us and we should be able to talk about it and share our thoughts with others. I don’t believe in ramming my opinions and thoughts down your throats, you have the choice whether or not to read this blog. I am also not saying that the way of the witch is the right choice for everyone ~ instead it is an option to further explore should it appeal to you.
In return all I ask is for you to be open to understanding my beliefs if they are other than your own, I am happy to discuss differences with you but personally find that with belief systems and religions there is often more common ground than initially thought. Discussion about our various beliefs can be healthy so long as all parties are respectful of each other, if we can accept our differences then we can live harmoniously alongside each other with love and respect.
So, part of my journey is becoming familiar with tarot cards and understanding how to connect with them to use them to guide me along my path.
My first deck of tarot cards were gifted to me and are the “Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides” oracle card deck. The pack contains 44 cards and a small information booklet. They are more than perfect for me because I have a huge love for animals and find myself drawn to watching them and when possible helping them.
Prior to delving into the adventurous journey of discovering my inner witch I had no idea about how these things worked ~ allegedly it is best if your first tarot deck is gifted to you. This happens to be something that happened to me purely by fluke. A while ago I bought my middle daughter this tarot deck, she never really got round to using them and so re~gifted them back to me. So technically I didn’t buy them for myself.
Then, allegedly all subsequent decks can be self~purchased but you need to allow them to call to you and not just buy any old deck. I have just purchased a deck, yet to be delivered, of The Original Rider Waite Cards and guide book. I wanted a traditional full deck of tarot cards to work with alongside my oracle deck.
I have been practising and learning how to use my spirit guide deck and found them to be exceptionally accurate in helping me with my questions and very specific with the guidance too. I have been holding the cards and getting to know them, to connect with them and the spirit animals.
Since focusing on channelling my energies and setting my intentions I have found signs are coming to me from all around me. I am following intuitive feelings, sensing answers from signs shown in nature, my surroundings and phrases or words said at a significant moment.
I feel as if I am connecting to a higher energy and although I don’t specifically worship any Gods or Goddesses I do believe in a higher energy force which has the power to guide us when we ask it to. I have recently experienced a number of “events” where I have been compelled to do something in a way I wouldn’t normally do only to find that my decision to do it in that way has benefited me in some small way. It really feels as if I am being guided and supported by a unseen force and by parts of myself I am newly tapping into.
Today for the first time I read the cards for other people, two of my daughters and my husband to be precise. What struck me so profoundly was how specific the response from the cards was in relation to the question. Each reading was completely different and gave me chills in how the cards worked through me to provide advice and guidance.
I am learning to work with my intuition and read the signs around me. I am still a novice and have a long way to go but this is a way of life that feels “right” for me and one that is drawing me along with a power and energy all of its own.
~ Blessed Be ~