Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts

9 August 2020


2020 is not panning out the way any of us anticipated and life feels exceptionally surreal right now ~ pandemic life is truly odd, sometimes I wake up and wonder if it is all some bizarre dream and other days it feels like we are living within some kind of sci~fi movie. Meanwhile other events continue to happen around the world which don't stop because of a virus, however the approach to dealing with them is still impacted by precautions and measures in place.

This has led me to reflect on advocacy more and more ~ how so many of us require a person or agency to be there for us to help us get what is necessary, to stand up for us and demand we be heard and our rights upheld.

I also feel many of us, of which I was one, like to feel that they don't need the help and support of an advocate ~ that we are able to stand up for, speak out and represent ourselves ~ however, for my part, I was fooling myself. I am pretty darn good at advocating for my loved ones but when it comes to myself ~ I'm actually shockingly bad at it and end up backing down and not getting the help, support or validation I required. 

Advocacy in a nutshell is provided by someone, whether it be a friend, family or someone from an agency whether legal, advisory, medical, support, who will speak for you, represent you and stand up for you to ensure your rights, beliefs and wishes are upheld.

And advocate could represent you in a plethora of ways depending on your needs and situation. I advocate for my family mostly within health requirement settings, liaising with medical professionals and outside agencies. Also, as and when needed in other situations too ~ ensuring their voices are heard, they are listened to and understood. 

For myself ~ I have family who advocate for me - we find we are good at helping others but not ourselves, almost as if we don't believe in our worth for fighting for ourselves but can absolutely do it for others. I struggle with confrontation when its aimed towards me and often back down and give in ~ yet when representing someone else I find the confidence and strength to not back down and to keep pushing forward. 

Now, more than ever, with the world changed within the strange void of 2020, where access to many services is severely limited and the environment of social distancing and facemasks makes it more complicated, advocating for yourself or others in time of need is even more important. 

Watching the news I despair at the treatment of so many who need support, safety and protection for the migrants desperately seeking a better life ~ these people need advocates to help them find the refuge they seek but instead government officials just want to make them someone else's problem and return them to where they departed from. Why can't special receiving units be build ~ or perhaps utilise the Nightingale wards to offer a safe place to sleep and be given health checks ~ all those poor unaccompanied children who need safety and security - they are human beings who deserve compassion and assistance because only the desperate would risk their lives to find a better life like this. I honestly believe in fighting to help those less fortunate because none of us choose what life we are born into - it is a lottery and if we are born into a safe environment then we should acknowledge our privilege and work to share what we can with others less fortunate. 

Having said that ~ everything is relative and so we give what we can depending on our circumstances and if everyone did the same what a different world we could live in. My eldest daughter is passionate about helping others and her degree was devoted to exactly that ~ helping those in developing countries and those displaced by war, poverty and natural disaster ~ doing what can be done to help those in situations we count ourselves lucky not to be facing ~ instead of pretending it doesn't exist, isn't happening and isn't our problem we can all do our bit to help bring about change and a better lives for others. Nothing in life, sadly, is a simple fix, life is always far more complicated than that ~ but advocating for others where we can is one part we can play in making this world a better place. 

Wherever there is darkness, there is also light ~ so whenever I see stories and video of the awful plight of others, I also look for the stories where people have been helped, supported and their lives changed. I find I need to seek balance otherwise the negativity and horrors of the world can become overwhelming and so finding the tales of joy, overcoming the odds, sheer kindness and selflessness of others makes me believe in the human race again and that perhaps not all humanity is doomed after all.

COVID~19 has irrevocably changed so many peoples lives, many have lost loved ones, jobs, careers, homes, way of life and yes ~ even hope. Too many have succumbed to severe mental health issues leading to taking their own lives or those of others ~ too much heartbreak has tipped the balance. However, volunteers and carers, support workers and key works, have picked up the baton and kept things moving and working as best as possible in the circumstances. Advocacy is essential for those who have fallen between the gaps ~ who have been overlooked and passed over ~ there needs to be strong representation for those who are vulnerable and for the growing numbers of those living in poverty and isolation due to the changes 2020 has wrought.

Can you stand up and advocate for someone who needs it? If so I implore you to do so ~ further afield we can all join forces to lobby and protest against the vile treatments of those who seek help and refuge but are shunned and refused it. To stand up for those minority groups who are mistreated and abused ~ whatever, however, you can advocate for the rights and beliefs of others your voice added to the cause can make a real difference so long as we sustain our efforts to do so.

Advocacy and activism are so important, now more than ever, and I vow to do all I can to play my part in whatever way I can to step up and do so.

Wishing you love and light wherever you are and hope that if you are struggling you can find an advocate to help you through and speak out for you and your rights to ensure you are "seen" and "heard" and not passed over. 

Love and Blessings


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